Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Adventures

This turkey day got an early start on the day by heading up the incline with Melissa and John. It was a very chilly morning but blue sky and an almost full moon. I think the thermometer read 7 degrees when we left the house this morning but warmed to 12 degrees by the time we finished. It doesn't take long to warm up when ascending those steps so it was the perfect workout to do in the chilly temperatures.
The moon as it disappeared over the horizon at the top of the incline.
Mel and John headed up.
Looming steps behind.
Looking back!
Almost to the top.
Working hard.
Success. After coming down the incline, we indulged on hot coffee and pancakes and sitting by a warm gas stove before John and I headed out to meet some of the extended family at Garden of the Gods for our annual Thanksgiving Hike/Walk. The evening brought a huge meal and lots of family. It was delicious and another success.
We played around in the rocks and then did a loop on the road.
It was a great morning before resting up for a big meal.

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