Sunday, November 21, 2010


I had a couple random pictures taken from my phone I thought I would post! The picture is me on top of Bear Peak in Boulder, CO. Did a quick hike up to the summit with my good friend Tom who lives in Boulder. I used to frequent this peak often when I lived in Boulder. If you look closely you can see Longs Peak in the background. Been to the summit of that fourteener twice!
This shot was taken during another running adventure with Melissa and the dogs. We are sitting on the ridge at about 11,000 feet very close to the summit of Mt Rosa. You can see Pikes Peak in the background. We had gone on a big loop starting by heading up seven bridges to the pipeline trail to Nelson's Park, up the back side of Rosa, down the front to St. Mary's Falls, and back to Gold Camp road. It was a great loop and our first time on some of these trails!

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