Monday, April 19, 2010

Mt Sopris

This past weekend, my parents and I spent the weekend in Carbondale with the intention of getting one last ski day in. However, we bailed out of the skiing after waking up to a gloomy, cloudy, rainy day saturday morning. So instead, we headed into Glenwood and up Red Mountain (some of us). Well, my mom went shopping as her knee is not up to par (you'll get there soon, mom), my dad hiked up the mountain and I ran. It climbs 2,000 feet in 3.5 miles. The weather cleared a bit which was nice. It was a great workout and gave awesome views of the valley. We had a yummy lunch in Glenwood afterwards, followed by some more shopping and then back to Carbondale! Sunday, I went on a 2 1/2 hr run near Mt Sopris with the dogs. I didn't know how the conditions were going to be. Ended up running on some jeep roads in the national forest that were essentially clear of snow and mostly dry until you got higher up where I ran into some large snow drifts. Surprisely, ran into a few other runners and a couple hiking with their dog. Saw a herd of elk too! Made it to the top of the ridge after 80 mins of climbing and more great views of the valley including the above picture with Mt Sopris in the background! Couldn't ask for more!
Thanks for the fun weekend mom and dad!

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