Monday, April 26, 2010

High Drive-Bear Creek-Buckhorn-Captain Jack's-Sesame Canyon Trail Loop

After a busy Saturday morning of working at the office, I was able to get out on Sunday for a long leisurely run with John and the doggies. We headed up high drive to the Bear Creek Trail. Didn't hit the slushy snow until about 1 mile up Bear Creek. It wasn't too deep but certainly slippery and wet (no ice though) and lots of mud where the snow was melting. The temps were in the 60's with clouds rolling in and out with the wind. Warm enough to wear shorts. It looked like it was going to rain but never did. Instead up continuing up Bear Creek to Jones Park we made the crossing at the bridge (see picture) which took us up to the Buckhorn ridge where we could look down on the upper gold camp road. As we headed our way over the the top of the high drive, we were greeted by the lovely noise and gas smell of several dirt bikes. They had kindly torn up the trail trying to get through the snow unsuccessfully. Fisher was quite nervous and he had to make a large detour off the trail to avoid the loud scary bikes. Upon hitting the high drive, we crossed over to Captain Jacks Trail, continued for a mile before descending down Sesame Canyon. This canyon is only about a mile but quite a steep descent. It was clear of snow though which made for easier footing. This trail is not well marked and so it doesn't get much use. I have done it several times now (and on weekends) and have never seen anybody on it. Today however, we encountered two hikers with their dog and ironically one of them was the sister of a friend I went to high school and did girl scouts with. Small world. After a quick chat with her, I continued down the canyon trying to catch up with John. Back on high drive and then to the car. The dogs finished it off with a wade in the creek. A well earned 2 1/2 hrs!

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