Monday, April 26, 2010

High Drive-Bear Creek-Buckhorn-Captain Jack's-Sesame Canyon Trail Loop

After a busy Saturday morning of working at the office, I was able to get out on Sunday for a long leisurely run with John and the doggies. We headed up high drive to the Bear Creek Trail. Didn't hit the slushy snow until about 1 mile up Bear Creek. It wasn't too deep but certainly slippery and wet (no ice though) and lots of mud where the snow was melting. The temps were in the 60's with clouds rolling in and out with the wind. Warm enough to wear shorts. It looked like it was going to rain but never did. Instead up continuing up Bear Creek to Jones Park we made the crossing at the bridge (see picture) which took us up to the Buckhorn ridge where we could look down on the upper gold camp road. As we headed our way over the the top of the high drive, we were greeted by the lovely noise and gas smell of several dirt bikes. They had kindly torn up the trail trying to get through the snow unsuccessfully. Fisher was quite nervous and he had to make a large detour off the trail to avoid the loud scary bikes. Upon hitting the high drive, we crossed over to Captain Jacks Trail, continued for a mile before descending down Sesame Canyon. This canyon is only about a mile but quite a steep descent. It was clear of snow though which made for easier footing. This trail is not well marked and so it doesn't get much use. I have done it several times now (and on weekends) and have never seen anybody on it. Today however, we encountered two hikers with their dog and ironically one of them was the sister of a friend I went to high school and did girl scouts with. Small world. After a quick chat with her, I continued down the canyon trying to catch up with John. Back on high drive and then to the car. The dogs finished it off with a wade in the creek. A well earned 2 1/2 hrs!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mt Sopris

This past weekend, my parents and I spent the weekend in Carbondale with the intention of getting one last ski day in. However, we bailed out of the skiing after waking up to a gloomy, cloudy, rainy day saturday morning. So instead, we headed into Glenwood and up Red Mountain (some of us). Well, my mom went shopping as her knee is not up to par (you'll get there soon, mom), my dad hiked up the mountain and I ran. It climbs 2,000 feet in 3.5 miles. The weather cleared a bit which was nice. It was a great workout and gave awesome views of the valley. We had a yummy lunch in Glenwood afterwards, followed by some more shopping and then back to Carbondale! Sunday, I went on a 2 1/2 hr run near Mt Sopris with the dogs. I didn't know how the conditions were going to be. Ended up running on some jeep roads in the national forest that were essentially clear of snow and mostly dry until you got higher up where I ran into some large snow drifts. Surprisely, ran into a few other runners and a couple hiking with their dog. Saw a herd of elk too! Made it to the top of the ridge after 80 mins of climbing and more great views of the valley including the above picture with Mt Sopris in the background! Couldn't ask for more!
Thanks for the fun weekend mom and dad!

Kimberly's Wedding Shower

Saturday April 10th I made the drive up to Evergreen Colorado to the Tuscany Tavern to celebrate my good friend Kimberly's marriage to Cy. It was a small gathering at a cute Italian restaurant with yummy food and wine. It was great to see Kimberly and catch up especially since I will not be able to attend her wedding. After being a Colorado girl for so long she is know living in San Diego and is training and doing research on dolphins! I hope to be able to visit her in the future.
Good old Eltron Friends. Me, Kimberly and Gina back together again.

Bride to be and mother of the bride to be

Carbondale Winter Getaway

I am finally getting around to downloading these pictures from our extended stay up in Carbondale (longer than a weekend) back at the beginning of March. Our days were spend enjoying many different snow sports as well as relaxing. I spent a day of alpine skiing at Snowmass which is where the above picture came from. I skied so hard and took a minor fall that I could barely walk the next day but all worth it! We also did a long run up a snow packed jeep road that is closed to cars in the winter with the dogs of course. An another day was a snowshoe adventure up to Dinkle Lake just at the base of Mt Sopris (dogs included). The rest was spent eating, relaxing, reading, and watching movies! It was a great winter getaway!
Attack of the two Golden Retrievers!
Please can I have some too! Drool!
More from Snowmass!

This above picture is not from Snowmass but was taken in Colorado Springs at the Trinity Brewing Company. Some friends were visiting from California!