Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family Time and Running Adventures

This past weekend was very busy. We had a family memorial service on Friday for the dear Bob Donner. So there was lots of family in town on both sides of the Cogswell family. It was sad to say goodbye but it was a nice service and a huge gathering. In between visiting with family and eating lots of yummy food, my mom and I ran the second race in the Winter Series on Saturday that the local running group puts together. It was a 8 mile race on a flat course along the Pikes Peak Greenway trail next to Fountain Creek. Besides the wind, the weather was perfect. It was a fast course but a great workout. We both finished well. Shortly following the race, my dad joined us in satisfying our hunger pains by eating at the new Italian Market and Deli Molluca's gorging on reuben sandwiches. They were delicious.
Sunday turned out to be a very windy and chilly day but I did manage to get outside and take Willie and Fisher out on the trail. We went up the High Drive to Bear Creek Trail looping around to Buckhorn and back down High Drive. There was still lots of snow and ice on the trail but we managed to stay out of the wind until the top of Buckhorn and High Drive. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the couch watching football. Not a bad end to the weekend. Go Saints!
Me finishing up the race. 1 mile to go!

Mom working hard. She looks great!
On Bear Creek Trail at fork up to Jones Park. Willie and Fisher desperately waiting for their mid run treats! Fisher could not control his drooling!

Waiting patiently for me to catch up!

Until next time................Happy Trails!

1 comment:

  1. You look great but I do not know about me working hard=-) You forgot to tell people you finsih 1st in your age group. Way to go!! Fisher's half frozen drool is very funny. Trail looks icier than I would have though at the crossing.
