Saturday, January 16, 2010

A 31st Birthday Celebration

Today to celebrate my birthday both my parents, John, me and the two crazy dogs, Fisher and Willie went up Pikes Peak via Barr Trail. Not to the top of course but close. It was a warm January day with highs in the mid 50's and lots of sunshine. Perfect weather. I led the group and ran with the dogs up about 1 mile past Barr Camp to the Bottomless Pit sign. The trail was in good shape with some icy spots in the bottom 3 miles and snowed packed above that. There hadn't been fresh snow for a while so the trail was completely hard and tracked out. Good for running! My dad was a trooper and made it up about four miles before heading back down. It was great to have him join us on our adventure. My mom and John made it to Barr Camp and I met them on my way back down. We hung out there for a while enjoying the sun, eating whole made granola bars from the gang at Barr and warming our hands on the stove in the cabin. Then time to head back down in one piece. Made down around 230, still much of the afternoon to enjoy including a espresso drink at the Spice of Life before heading out for drinks, dinner and dessert at the Summit! It was delicious and nice way to finish the day!

My dad coming up Hydro.

John, me and my mom right before parting ways at the beginning.
My dad and I
My mom and I at Barr Camp!
Me, John, and my mom at Barr Camp.

On our way down admiring the top!

Finishing up with a drink in Fountain Creek.
Tired doggies!

Thanks for a great day. Couldn't asked for anything more for a birthday celebration!

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos. Thought there would be more snow there. Hope Breck and Vail get dumped on in the next week for my trip to CO. Keep on truckin'! Karl Smith
