Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Next Chapter

It has been a while since posting. Since returning from New Zealand, my life has brought many changes. In April, I ran the 21 miler at Big Sur with my mom and then officially moved out of California back to Colorado. John decided to bolt from California too and we drove a big rental truck with both our stuff across four states finally landing at my parents in Colorado Springs sometime in May. Then the next task was to get my Colorado PA license and find a job. After many responses of "we want someone with experience" and many patient hours on the computer and the phone, I finally landed a job at a family practice office in Colorado Springs. The next step was moving out of my parents house. I found a great little spot in Manitou Springs walking distance to a park and to downtown Manitou. It took a while to move in and get settled as I began work at the same time. It is a great spot, close to trails, Pikes Peak, easy access to the mountains, and not a far drive from my parents.
In between moving and a new job this summer, I continued to train for long distance running races, spend time at 12 Mile, backpacked in the Buffalo Wilderness and attended two family weddings in Snowmass and Durango. I ran the Mt Evans Ascent in June earning 10th overall female, Summer Round Up 12K in Bear Creek Park finishing 6th in my age group and 22 overall female, the Pikes Peak Marathon finishing 17th overall female and 2nd in my age group, Imogene Pass Run finishing 13th in age group and just recently finishing Golden Hills Marathon in Oakland finishing 1st in age group and 7th overall female. It was a great summer for events and running with the Pikes Peak Marathon as the most rewarding. What an amazing experience.
So I hope to regularly post now. Some upcoming adventures include a trip back to Puget Sound for a Alumni UPS Women's soccer weekend and my mom and I's annual holiday trip to NYC and of course the holidays are approaching fast!
To be continued..........

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