Saturday, September 12, 2009

Buffalo Wilderness Backpacking

For a while now, I have wanted to explore the Buffalo Wilderness and hike the peaks. So over Labor Day weekend, John and I decided to spend two nights in this area. We knew the weather was supposed to be iffy with a strong chance of rain but we went anyway. Two trail connect taking you on a 12 mile loop. We went counterclockwise starting on the Rick Creek trail and connected the Rough and Tumbling Creek trail. This trailhead is only about a 15 minute drive from our cabin. My parents left with us and hiked a couple hrs in with us before they headed back to the car and we kept going. We hiked for about 4 hrs and eventually made it to Buffalo Meadow where we found a great campsite. It never rained on us but clouds were building all day. There were a few other groups camping in the meadow but we still were able to get away and feel like we were the only ones out there. The evening was calm with a roaring fire to keep us warm.
The next day we woke to clouds and minimal sun. We decided it wasn't a good idea to hike up the Buffalo peaks which are at 12,000 or so feet with the weather already looking ugly at 9am in the morning. So we hung out all morning and then went on a short walk up the meadow before turning around because of thunder, lightening and rain. Hiking out to the car wasn't an option in the weather as it was a six mile hike out. So instead, we got the fire going to keep warm and then huddled under the trees during the storm. Fisher was not thrilled to be stuck out there with thunder booming all around us. He huddled as close to me as possible and couldn't stop shaking. Poor guy.
Luckily the weather cleared just before sunset and we had a beautiful evening and woke up the next day to sun. We leisurely at breakfast, packed up camp and headed out mid morning. The hike out was beautiful and most of it was downhill so it only took us 2 1/2 hrs. It felt great to get to the car and take up my pack and hiking boots. Back to the cabin to eat something and then drive home to Manitou. What a fun weekend. Here are some pics.

Walking through the changing colors of the aspen.

Looking back at East and West Buffalo Peaks. Some day I'll
summit them but not this weekend.

Fisher ready to go. Leaving camp.

The sun came out. Perfect time for a beer.

Views from camp in Buffalo Meadow.

The gathering of the wood!

Keeping warm.

Fisher and I huddling under the tree from the storm.

Our camp.

Lunch time! yummy!

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