Saturday, March 7, 2009

8 Day Biking Tour West Coast, New Zealand from Christchurch to Queenstown

We just finished our bike tour down the west coast and access to computers was scarce. We started our biking in Christchurch on the 27th. We hired all our equipment over here from a company called Natural High including the bikes, panniers, helmets, tools, tubes, etc. Our journey did not start until the next day when we headed over to the train station from our backpackers on very heavy loaded bikes. This was a first for both of us touring on bikes. It took a while getting used to riding such a heavy bike.
So day 1 we took the Trans Scenic train from Christchurch to Greymouth with our bikes in storage. It was a 4 1/2 hr ride through the mountains. Unfortunately it was rainy and so the views were not great. We arrived in Greymouth, changed into out biking gear and were off. Departure time was about 230 and it was still pouring rain. We only had to go 40kms and it was pretty flat but very very wet. Night one was spent in the small town of Hokitka.
Day 2 woke up again to a very rainy day after the night seemed like a hurricane came through. Not too excited to get back on the bike to be wet all day and ride for 72 kms. We sucked it up and headed out about 10am with our destination being Hari Hari. Rain and wind on and off all day with a giant downpour just as we got into town. The highlight of the day was our lunch stop at the Bushman's Centre where we got the most tasty and interesting vension burger.
Day 3 woke up to some pieces of blue sky amongst the clouds after another night of downpour. Today we were biking to the very small and remote coastal town of Okarito. The ride was about 60kms. It rained on and off again but as we rolled onto the coast it started to clear. This spot was beautiful and probably one of our favorites. Very quiet, no shops, no restaurants, no bars, but a beautiful coastline and we stayed in our own self contained cabin facing the water. Okarito is also a very popular spot for spotting kiwis at night. We didn't see any but we had an amazing sunset on the beach.
Day 4 woke up to completely clear sky. Thank goodness! Today we biked to Fox Glacier which was about 60 kms. The first two hours were mellow and we were so grateful for sun and our first views of the Southern Alps. We stopped in Frans Josef for lunch and back on our bikes for the final 20kms push to Fox. However, this took us much longer than anticipated as the hills we climbed were never ending and steep. This was our first taste of pulling a heavy bike up steep inclines. Luckily the last bit was downhill into town. Fox Glacier was full of tourists with the main attraction being the glacier. 
Day 5 would be our longest day with 120 kms of riding to the town of Haast. The morning was crystal clear again with more magnificent views of the Southern Alps. We were both very anxious about the long day. By the time we made it to Haast, we had been on our bikes for about 9 hrs and did not get to town until 630pm. The highlights of today were the salmon farm cafe where we got lunch and had a yummy salmon sandwich and the ride down the coast with beautiful views. We were totally exhausted. It felt great to shower and get some food.
Day 6 was another brutal day of climbing over a very steep mountain pass. We were heading to Makarora.  It was only 82 kms but the killer Haast Pass was 10 kms of climbing up 600 meters on a very hot day. It was a beautiful ride through a river valley and no rain! 
Day 7 we knew some rain was coming today but it turned out not too bad and some great views in the morning with misty clouds over the mountains and the sun peeking through. We had rainbows on and off over the lakes which made for some great photos. Today we were headed to Wanaka and only 65 kms of riding past two giant lakes- Wanaka and Hawea. We rolled into town about 230pm enough time to clean up and do some shopping. This was another favorite place. The town was an alpine village right on the lake.
Day 8 our last day. Our ride would take us to Queenstown through the Cardrona Valley over the Crown Range which is the highest highway in New Zealand. Fortunately, the weather was nice again. After getting a latte in the town we headed out early. The climb was not too bad and more gradual until about 5 kms from the summit when it got much steeper with no breaks. We both made it without stopping and we had great cloudy views of Queenstown. The downhill into town was very steep and zigzagged alot which made for tired hands from braking so hard. We arrived into Queenstown late afternoon, checked into our backpackers and headed down to town to return the bikes. It was very sad to give them up and we are not looking forward to getting back in the car. We had an amazing but exhausting experience on the bikes. We got to view New Zealand from a much different perspective. It is definitely something I would love to do again.
So here are so random photos taken during our bike tour.

Our morning ritual of stopping for Lattes before heading out in the morning. They definitely gave us a burst of energy.

Sunset along the beach in Okarito.

Me powering up the hill over the Crown Range into Queenstown.

Matheson Lake from reflection island in Fox Glacier at 8am in the morning. Southern Alps in the background.

Bruce Bay-Snack stop during our longest day from Fox Glacier to Haast-120 kms and 9 hrs.

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