Monday, January 17, 2011

32nd Birthday Celebration Weekend

Wow! What a big and fun weekend I just had. What could be better than celebrating a birthday with outdoor adventures with family and friends and yummy meals. My birthday weekend started out with having some happy hour drinks with friends from work on friday at Nosh followed by John making a yummy pizza dinner for me at home. Saturday was a ski day at A-Basin. Mel and I drove up early and had beautiful views of Buffalo Peaks coming over Wilkerson Pass and across South Park (see pic above). We met Wendy at the Basin and has a great morning of power skiing and boarding until we called it quits about 1pm. We were quite the threesome with me on alpine skiis, Wendy on telemarks and Mel on her board.
The morning brought blue skies but unfortunately it did not last long as the clouds rolled in late morning but the snow as great.

After a great day, we said goodbye to Wendy and headed back to the Springs where my mom was preparing a feast of fish tacos for me and my friends. Very kind of her. Some friends from Boulder as made the trek down south to join in the celebration.
The beautiful spread as always! After packing in the calories and getting a good night's sleep, we all geared up to go up to Barr Camp. The weather was perfect for a mid-January day.
The entire crew minus my mom who was taking this picture! We are halfway up the W's at this point!
The ladies!
John working on his barefoot walking. It didn't last long though.
The summit comes into view but we would not see the top today!
The dogs patiently waiting while we were warming inside Barr Camp before heading back down.
What a crew!

View point from Lightening Point on the way down. We took it easy coming down and was uneventful until Tom got a little friendly with a dog at No Name Creek! Actually he was minding his own business when a mtn biker and his dog were coming up and the dog bit Tom on the bottom and broke some skin. Not sure why he did it but he was a puppy which is no excuse. Tom survived!
The tired dogs waiting to go home! After saying goodbye to my Boulder friends, we got cleaned up and continued our celebration at the Blue Star with my parents.
Some happy smiley faces!

It was a fun weekend. Thanks so much to all my family and friends for joining me in the celebration of my 32nd birthday. I am looking forward to the year to come!

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