Sunday, February 21, 2010

St. Mary's Falls

You might get tired of snow and dog pictures but I can never have enough. Today was another snow adventure day. This time we headed up to St. Mary's Falls which is above Helen Hunt Falls and Cheyenne Canon. My parents made the trip too as well as John. It wasn't quite enough snow to snowshoe, running with YakTraks was just as good. The footing was a little slippery
which made for a slow jog but still a great workout. It snowed the whole time making for a winter wonderland. Willie wondering what was taking us so long.
Endless playing in the snow.
The frosted hair look!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Work and The Incline

Today brought a good amount of snow and very misty fog! It was also my first Saturday working our morning hours at the office. It was pretty quiet with only one patient coming in. I don't think people wanted to venture out in the weather unless they absolutely had to. I am also on call for the first time over the weekend which just means I have to have my cell attached to me all the time to get calls.
With a quiet morning I was able to leave the office by noon, eat some lunch, get home, take a 30 min nap and still have time to head outside for a workout. I decided to make a trip up the Incline. I hadn't been on it in awhile. I like going on colder, snowier days as there are less people out making it more peaceful. It was very foggy but beautiful with all the trees frosted with snow and ice. Only took me 35 minutes to the top and then down Barr Trail. My eye lashes were frosted and I had strings of soft icicles all over me by the end. It was a perfect end to the day.
The snowy steps of the Incline.
Tomorrow brings more snow and fog which means more time for adventures in the snow. I love Colorado!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A weekend away in Crested Butte

This past weekend Fisher and I made the four hour drive to visit my good friend Amy in Crested Butte. The drive brought clear roads and beautiful scenery which made for easy traveling. Stopped in Gunnison for a much needed fuel from Firebrand Deli before heading up valley to Crested Butte. They make some of the best sandwiches around that cannot be passed by. A short 30 minute drive brought us to Amy and her dog Daisy waiting in the front yard to greet us. Amy lives in a cute little house with a loft surrounded by huge snow banks right in the middle of town. It was great to see her and catch up. We spend a lot of our time together watching the crazy dogs play and cause trouble in the many many snow piles. Sunday, she took me out on the mountain skiing showing me the greatness that makes up Crested Butte. The snow was great with the sun in and out of the clouds most of the day before the snow moved in. The day ended with beers, a whiskey and coke followed shortly by yummy Thai food before bed. The next morning, we went snowshoeing with the Dogs on a nearby trail for a few hours. Despite the snowmobilers that had to rage by us, it was a very peaceful quiet morning with more blue sky and lots of sun! Then it was back into the car to head back to the Front Range.
Views from the road on the drive down to CB. Buffalo Mountain in the distance!
The town of Crested Butte. It's a winter wonderland.
Fisher and Daisy hanging out in Amy's living room. Fisher decided to takeover Daisy's bed. I don't think I ever saw Daisy on it!
Playing in the giant snow banks! Hours of entertainment.
Daisy poised for action!
A ski break!

Apres Ski.
Snowshoeing adventures!
A endless white blanket.

Dog play. Well more of Fisher rolling!

Thanks to Amy and Daisy for having us!