Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Night Before

In anticipation of our journey to New Zealand, I thought starting a blog would be a good way to keep a journal of the trip for friends and family to see our progress as well as something for us to look back on. I hope you find this interesting and fun as I attempt my first blogging experience.......

So it is the night before we leave for our trip and we are still tying up last minute loose ends and finalizing travel plans. I think we both have cabin fever as it has been raining here in the Bay Area for the past week so getting out has been harder to do. This does not help our anxiousness and anticipation for the long 13 hour flight down to Auckland. John cannot get over the fact he is losing a day in his life to get over there. I told him not to worry as we get to live a day twice over when we fly back.......
Well, bags are almost packed....Time to get ready for bed. 
However, sleep might be difficult tonight. 
We will try.
Good Night!
See you in New Zealand.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific you have a blog. Know you will have the trip of a lifetime- travel safely. xoxo
