Because it is getting closer to winter and food is fewer and far between, the cattle are allowed to roam throughout the entire property. So unfortunately, there was cattle poop we had dodge all around the cabin. Luckily, fisher did not try to roll in the poop like he has done in the past. On top of that the cattle can be rather annoying anyway as they like to hang out in the meadow, make noise and scare Fisher. The worst of it was they kept us up all night long. At 1 am, we awoke to cattle munching on grass right behind the bedroom and I looked outside and they were surrounding the house. Fisher decided he had to bark at what ever noise was outside and then when I finally got to bed, I suddenly awoke to a mooing at 630 in the morning. They continued this for almost 30 minutes before leaving the meadow in front of the cabin. So needless to say we slept in longer and had a lazy morning.
We still managed to get out and run the the rich creek and rough and tumbling creeks trails which I call the buffalo loop near Buffalo Peak Wilderness (just a 10 minute drive from the cabin). It is a 12 mile loop and is quite beautiful especially in the fall. It took us close to 3 hrs and we only saw two other people. We also saw what was questionable at the time but after taking this picture and blowing it up, it definitely was a moose. It was in an open meadow and was a couple 100 feet away. At the time, I thought it was either a moose or a bear or bigfoot! I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
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