Tuesday, July 6, 2010

McClure Pass and Mt Sopris

Fourth of July weekend we made the trek over Independence Pass to Aspen and then to Carbondale for three days. It was a fun activity filled weekend. The first day we rode our road bikes up McClure Pass on State Hwy 133 that goes from Carbondale to Paonia. It was a 38 mile round trip ride with the last three miles being very steep and summit sits at 8755 feet. Carbondale sits at 6181 feet. It was a great ride despite the wind and few sprinkles of rain we got. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera so there are no shots of using cycling. The next day we headed up Prince Creek road to the Dinkle Lake Trailhead and made our way to the summit of Mt Sopris (see the above picture). We ran most of the 4 miles into Thomas Lakes which sits right at the base of the mountain. Many people backpack into this spot before heading up the mountain.
John and Fisher heading up to Thomas Lakes.
Fisher and I at Thomas Lakes.
Fisher at Thomas Lakes with the two summits of Mt Sopris in the background.
From here, the trail gets steep as you quickly make it above treeline. Because it was 4th of July weekend, there were quite a few groups camping up there and there were people shooting off fireworks which terrified Fisher of course.
Time for a rest.
Thomas Lakes in the background.
Snack time!
Getting closer to the summit.
Snowmass I believe!
Looking down at the ridge we came up. Lots of scree!
This was our turn around point. Great Views. There are two summits to Sopris, West and East, with both having the same elevation of 12,965 feet.
Fisher admiring the view.

Our way back down to Thomas Lakes. Round trip it was about 12miles.
Back at the Ranch of the Roaring Fork in Carbondale we had a bald eagle sighting. He quickly took off and went soaring in the bluebird sky!
Fisher having a good roll in the weeds after swimming. See video below plus Fisher crossing the bridge with great care! He hesitates alot and then is very proud of himself when he finally gets across. He hates bridges.

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