Friday, December 31, 2010

St Mary's Falls Snowshoe

Despite the chilly temperatures (single digits), Mel and I got out for a snowshoe in the fresh snow today after our failed attempt to get up to the mountains. It had snowed a fair amount in a short period making for treacherous driving. We headed up toward St. Marys Falls with our gang of dogs. We broke trail for most of the way which was very rewarding but slow going. Didn't see anyone else out in the cold weather. We managed to stay warm although our exposed hair became frosted quickly.

A hungry doggie!

More hungry doggies.

Frosted hair look.

Another awesome adventure in the peacefulness of the fresh snow and cold with a great 2-legged friend and 3 wonderful furry 4-legged friends.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Run Above the Clouds

This morning's run was very rewarding. Woke up to very dense fog and frosted trees. Wasn't going to stop me from heading out. Driving to the trailhead was slower than normal as visibility wasn't great. I headed up the high drive to Bear Creek. It was quite chilly in the canyon with frost everywhere. As I climbed higher, the fog seemed to be thinning out and then the blue sky and sun appeared. I had climbed to about 8500 feet and I was above the clouds, basking in the sunshine and blue sky. It was glorious. I got to run above the clouds for about 30 mins before I had to descend into the darkness. There was a substantial temperature drop and wanted more than ever to hang out in the sunshine all day. But I had to get to work. The fog in the city stayed around for the entire day which was pretty abnormal. And I was thankful to get a short blast of sunshine this morning.
This picture is taken from the Buckhorn ridge looking back at Cheyenne Mountain.
Cheyenne Mountain from a further distance.