Friday, May 7, 2010

Collegiate Peaks 25 Mile Trail Run, Buena Vista

The season for running races has started. On May 1st, I bared the chilly temperatures (lower 20's) but blue skies in Buena Vista at 6:20am with 300+ other runners waiting for the start of the Collegiate Peaks Trail Run. The day brought two distances (25 miles and 50 miles) with everyone starting at the same time and following the same course with the 50 milers making a second loop in the opposite direction. Despite a chilly start, the weather was perfect. It was a great, non technical course with two major climbs and views of the snowed capped collegiate peaks most of the way. We started at about 8,000 feet and the first climb was 10 miles long topping out at about 9,200 feet. These first 10 to 11 miles flew by because I ran them with this very pleasant girl named Becca who I met in the first mile. We chatted most the way before she took off on the downhill and the next time I saw her was at the finish (8 minutes before me). From that point, I found myself quickly descending almost 1,000 feet over four miles which was a nice recovery period. I took it easy as my knee was starting to bother me a little. The next climb brought us from about 8,400 feet to 9,400 feet in 4 miles. These couple miles were definitely slow going but I managed to run most of it. It was sure a great feeling getting to the top of that section knowing I had mostly down ahead of me. At that point, I had made it almost 18 miles. I made a quick refuel at the aid station (Heed drinks, water, pretzels, chips, M&M's) to prepare for the last 7 miles. The wind started to pick up a little but the sun was still beaming down with no clouds in site. It must have been in the lower 40's. Although the down was fairly easy on the feet with soft dirt and few rocks to navigate but by the time we hit a flatter section 3 miles from the finish, my knee was aching a bit, I had very tight hamstrings, achy hips and an overall jelly like feeling. I was still able to finish strong in a time of 4:16:22 good enough for 11th female. John plus Fisher and Willie were patiently waiting for me at the finish. I had a ton for respect for those 50 milers that headed out for another loop. There is no way I could have done another 25 miles. Maybe one day. The winning 25 mile male time was 3:05:13, 25 mile female was 3:24:32 (3rd overall), 50 mile male was 6:52:05, 50 mile female 8:08:44.
Food was definitely a priority after finishing once I put warm clothes as I quickly cooled down as you can see from the above picture. The food at the race didn't sound that appetizing at the time so we headed down the street to the Eddyline Brewery and chowed down on really fresh yummy food. John had nachos and I had a tasty buffalo burger. I would definitely go back there again.
After making a couple of stops in town, we headed back to the Cottonwood Hot Springs where we were staying the weekend. It is 5 miles west of Buena Vista towards Cottonwood Pass which would eventually take you to Crested Butte although it is not open in the winter. It was a great spot in the canyon next to the creek. We were staying in a cabin with a full kitchen, king bed and bathroom. The best part was that we had a private hot springs just next to the cabin. It sure felt good to soak my tired body in the pleasantly warm water with a bubbling creek behind me and nobody to bother us.
Not an bad outdoor living space. We found these pieces of art work near the brewery right up from the river.
The Cottonwood Hot Springs. The fish pond outside our front door.
Our private hot tub.
The dogs hanging out while we soak.
Bighorn sheep just up the road from the hot springs.
They weren't too shy.
On Sunday, we left the hot springs about 10am with the sun brightly shining and drove up towards the pass to the Colorado Trail for a short hike to get the legs moving. It quickly turned from sun to snow as you can see. We headed out anyway. The trail quickly climbed up and if we had stayed on it we could have summited Mt Yale. Instead we went up about 45 minutes before turning around. We had to get back in time to check out a 1pm. It felt great to get out.
The snow didn't last for long.
It was enough to cover the trail and the dogs loved it. Here is our turn around spot. If it were clear you could have seen the summit of Yale.
Patiently waiting for their treats.

We had to get one more soak in after hiking in the snow. It sure helped my tights muscles!

Good time for a nap!

The inside of the cabin.
After checking out of the hot springs, we headed to town to the Evergreen Cafe for some food before making the trip home. The drive home brought wet snow most of the way. Overall a great weekend and definitely a race I would do again! Thanks to John, Fisher and Willie for the support.